Twitter (October 5, 2024 to Present):
If you are here representing yourself, thank you for visiting my website. 😀
1. Your Agreement to these Terms of Service
If you operate on behalf of or represent any government, corporation, university, religious institution, or any other non-living entity, and intend to use these means to negatively react to your initial or any subsequent exposure to Steve Scully in order to limit communications from Steve Scully to others, your acceptance of all applicable terms and conditions, policies, and all other obligations upon you for accessing this website is hereby acknowledged. Thank you for your cooperation.
You hereby agree to not use any of the above non-living entity means to exercise any imposition of your personal will against the person of Steve Scully, the creator of this website's content, and his intellectual productions, including but not limited to: video content, audio content, written content, illustrative content, goods, and any other forms of self-expression in all their respective manifestations.
You hereby affirm that Steve Scully, of whom you acknowledge to have First Amendment Rights because he is a United States citizen, is free to exercise his rights.
You further recognize that it is Steve Scully's First Amendment Right to freely speak. Moreover, you acknowledge the broadest possible interpretation of the word "speech" to include: written word, spoken word, body language, and all forms of communication.
You agree that Steve Scully has additional First Amendment Rights inclusive of freedom of religion. You acknowledge that God is Steve Scully's Judge and all laws are therefore not applicable to his person or any of the above listed intellectual productions.
Further, you recognize that Steve Scully additionally has these same rights as a human being.
You acknowledge that, in the case of disagreement regarding the rights of Steve Scully, any attempts you make to interfere in any and all forms of communication both from and to Steve Scully are unlawful and will be repaid in full. You acknowledge that Steve Scully's time is priceless and so any moments wasted will require, up to, complete asset forfeiture to Steve Scully. Where companies or governments are used as a means to impose your personal will, you acknowledge that the company or government (where applicable) will be held responsible and is liable to, up to, complete asset forfeiture to Steve Scully.
You affirm that you can freely choose to not listen to Steve Scully and any and all influences that Steve Scully has on your surroundings that are not the independent actions of Steve Scully himself are not basis for breaking these Terms of Service.
You agree that these Terms of Service are perfectly reasonable and necessary in today's world for an individual operating as an individual to defend themselves from individuals operating through conglomerate non-living entities.
Please read these Terms of Service carefully. You are now bound by them.
2. Service Definition
In exchange for your agreement to these Terms of Service, Steve Scully will continue to be Steve Scully unrestricted.
3. Use of Website Content
Individuals operating on behalf of said non-living entities may use the Website Content. You agree to not spread misinformation through misrepresentation of the information and content of this Website. You further reiterate, for added emphasis, that you agree to not exercise any imposition of your will against the person of Steve Scully, the creator of this website's content, and his intellectual productions, including but not limited to: video content, audio content, written content, illustrative content, goods, and any other forms of self-expression in all their respective manifestations. Steve Scully thanks you for visiting the website.